Happy Valentines Day! The annual Valentines Day Sex Drive is upon us once again, and The Savage Sword of Sharona is once again participating! Take a peek at the special Valentines Day vote incentive by clicking on the vote link on the right hand side of the page, and check out the sizzling Valentines Day art from all the great comics listed below!
Valentine’s Day Sex Drive 2017
Andrew Hunter – Delve | Lou Graziani – CyBoar | Nick Greaves – The Great Isle of Prentil | Caley Tibbittz Collopy – SwordCat Princess | Amy Letts – Epic Fail | Inky – Ink Dolls | Inky – Five Mighty Damsels | Bibbling Prophet – Holy Bibble | Scott T. Hicken – Exiern: Dark Reflections | Scott T. Hicken – Exiern | F. T. Benjamins – Valkyries | Rd Ashes – Dyerin’s Line | Mike Aston and Shaun Nicholls – Lacey Investigations | Jackarais – Bicycle Boy | Alli Perry – My Hero! | Jeremy Begin – After the Dream | Coldreave – King Martha | Niauropsaka – Raspberry Rain | yellowgerbil – Zoe the Vampire | MonicaNG – MoonSlayer | The Blood Teller – Alvery Nerveaux’s Secret Case Files | John Harrington – The Savage Sword of Sharona | Sean Harrington – Spying With Lana | Ebenezer Splooge – Portcall Uranus | Ebenezer Splooge – PronQueens | Ebenezer Splooge – Mammazon | Ebenezer Splooge – Hentai Poster Company | Ebenezer Splooge – Magical Virgin Princess Training Academy | Ebenezer Splooge – PronQuest | jeromatic – Jeromatic Tales | jeromatic – Bunny Wiggins | Zach Vanzile – West Tree Academy of Heroes | Bearalzebub – Bearalzebub | Byron Wilkins – 1977 the Comic | Vas Littlecrow Wojtanowicz – Velvet Rasputin | Dave Barrack – Grrl Power< | Mark Egan – Bata Neart | Mark Egan – Back Office | Peter Anckorn – By The Book | TK Doherty – Nikki Sprite | Stef Marcinkowski – Sarah Zero
Yeah. Foregone conclusion. :-/ Quick hands for Mountain Orcs, though.
*sigh* Where’s Ego when you need him….?
Things have definitely taken a turn, haven’t they?
Ooh, looks like you about to get boned girl, in more ways than one. how bad or not a thing that is might be up for debate…. 😛
And with the language barrier, Ziffa won’t have much luck talking her way out of this one either!
Time for Plan B: mount shank’s mare and ride. In other words: run before you are ‘mounted’ in turn….
Running sounds like a good strategy about now.
Well, the expert use of one’s tongue might certainly be of use here, language barrier notwithstanding!
I not sure Ziffa would agree with you! 😀
Now, this may be a wild guess, but methinks “gugga” pertains to the dark elf’s abundant curves 😀
Whatever it means, it doesn’t look like good news for Ziffa!
Do you thing Gugga means: “let’s try on her clothes?” Maybe they are cross dressers. 🙂
Well, that one possibility…
Lesson of the page : ” Be careful when you seek answers. You might not like what you find. ”
” If you’re a female, don’t hang around half-naked when creatures who don’t understand no means no are about. “
Words to live by!
Remember what you were worried would happen in prison, Ziffa….?
Apparently it’s as dangerous outside of the prison as in!
Who’da thunk it….
Ponytail: “What a lovely Wench. Shall we ravish her good friend’s?”
Beard: “Indeed, judging from her attire she must be quite versed in lewd behavior. We shall grant her much pleasure.”
Helmet: “Hehee Sex Sex time.”
Hmmm, for some strange reason I hadn’t pictures the Orcs being that sophisticated…
Hey now, just because you don’t understand their language or their fashion is no reason to assume they aren’t sophisticated. That’s a bit rude. 😉
Some languages have a lot of nuances. Though Helmet is clearly the most immature of the group.
To be honest, I’m not sure any of them are burying the needle on the maturity meter!
If the orcs are cross dressers Ziffa’s bikini will be a little too small for them and they will share it leaving her naked with clothes that don’t fit. Then they decided to ravish her given she long been deflowered. Ziffa the delusion greedy rude oversexed and now doomed goblin naked and unsafe in prison or outside. Sharona seems to be Ziffa’s only hope unless they are not the guardian or a genie saves her.
Very sexy image for VDSD. I approve.
Thank you!
I wonder…. Did Ziffa’s repeating the word ‘gugga’ mean something like “Yes, please!” in Orcish, given the context?
Under the circumstances, I don’t think anything Ziffa says is going to make much difference to the Orcs.
Hmm. Sadly, I am inclined to agree. 😐
Sweet Mama Joon! Oh poor Ziffa’s in a pickle now. Well, more like 3 Orc pickles. Loving this arc. And the voter incentive piece this month… very lovely. Nice to see Sharona get a little more adult-y than we usually see.
Ziffa is in a bit of a spot all right. She will have to think fast or run fast or do something as long as it’s fast!
Thank you for the kind words about the vote incentive too! I’m glad you like it. 😀