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  1. Robert Moulds

    So the sleazy scorpion had to have a hamburger before she called awesome girl. Then has the theme song of Bonanza bet she went to Bonanza steak house which I own and is too cheap to tip the whitress said Catherine. So your going to punish Robyn for being trifty said Terry. No I’m going to punish the sleazy scorpion because she gets in the way of my plans like awesome girl, the justice buddies and prof squid. Along with mud slinger with god awful hygene and villains who don’t fit in their custumes. Maybe I’ll force to figure skate naked while I wear a sexy figure skating dress like I did to Donald Trump. Maybe I’ll have them ride unicycles painted green wearing only tulip hats touring the sunbelt states for March/Spring break .They”ll play ukuleles singing Tiny Tims famous song tip toe though the tulips. After they water ski in alligator invested swamps and shark infested water like I did to Donald Trump. If they survive they’ll be back up singers for the Village People American Tour wear only cobalt blue mercury hats with matching high heels. While Donald Trump will be dressed as a Danish leather slave wearing leather harness, g string, police cap and high heel ankle booties. George W Bush will be the infantile man wear a bonnet and diapers. Along with the rest of the Village people biker, cop, cowboy, native American and solder. Think near naked Donald Trump and George W Bush singing Macho man and YMCA
    Donald will have to stop opressing queer people or make me his president mohahahahaha said Catherine. Why are you so cruel to Donald Trump said Terry. He opresses queer people while he gets in the way of my true calling defeating superheroes and villains alike. Because look up my dresses and skirts and snidly saying I can see your underware. Wait a minute Donald was one of those pervs so he should suffer as he looks upon my crimson red blazer mini dress with thigh high boots. The other reason so I gentrfy Wonderbough with Bulgarian sex robots mohahahahaha no can stop me said Catherine. You are pregnant thanks to my studly energy said Terry. That’s impossible I’m not a woman I have small male loins. I’ll check if it’s a false pregnancy since I have no womb. You’ll get a sex change then I’ll make you pregnant and you’ll never be god’s gift to woman plus you’ll get streech marks said Catherine. Okay you’re not pregnant so don’t change my sex said Terry. You come clean so you won’t be my b-t-h for now said Catherine.

    • Hey, a girl’s gotta eat, right?

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