Sharona should not interfere in the no talent bard after what king wants his daughter to marry a no talent hack. Though locking her up is a bit heavy handed. It will only end badly for Sharona or the bard or Gareth armies, castles and the long trip to the kingdom with a no talent hack for a bard. He’d looked hot in a dress the bard could market himself as a fake princess and get rich in liberal kingdoms off horny stupid peasants. He is not making with his music.
Sharona should not interfere in the no talent bard after what king wants his daughter to marry a no talent hack. Though locking her up is a bit heavy handed. It will only end badly for Sharona or the bard or Gareth armies, castles and the long trip to the kingdom with a no talent hack for a bard. He’d looked hot in a dress the bard could market himself as a fake princess and get rich in liberal kingdoms off horny stupid peasants. He is not making with his music.
Heh, more like “kicked out” than “sent away”, but we get the drift here. 🙂
It’s as if the king doesn’t like him or something…