TOG2 6

Hey everybody, I now have a tumblr page!
Not only does it contain my Sharona work, but it also features other comics, pin ups, erotica, muscle girls, fetish art and a lot of my other work you may not have seen before!
You can check it out here:
The new hairdo and headdress suit her.
She remains the more mellow of the sisters by far. ^_^
Having the size and strength to push anybody around that you want, does have a way of making one mellow.
(Seriously though, personality-wise she is the most stable of the sisters.)
Wow who would of thought she hulk sister would look hot with a change in hair style and outfit.
Thank you! Sharona gets a new outfit with each story so I thought it would only make sense if the Sisters of Misrule made a few style changes in the meantime too.
“Ha, i fooled you about my priorities! My win anyway!” 😀
LOL! Now that would be a plot twist!
It’s the second sister!!! Wait… She’s not part Minotaur? I originally thought she was part Minotaur because of the horns in the last story.
You’re probably not the first person to make that mistake either! 🙂
The Jugganaut/ Yoked Barbarian Chick: ” Yeah ! Now I’m finna’ take my prize…..cuz I’m tha’ Jugganaut….bitch ! “
Couldn’t have said it better myself! ;D
The barbarian is now a play thing or sex toy for a horny hemaphrodite, transsexual or transvestie too bad it wasn’t a eunuch it can’t be a woman. But in the 1.5% chance that it is a woman then I say to the barbarian wussy girl wussy little little wussy girl. Still the barbarian can be thankful their is no TV or she’d force him to watch sex in the city Kim Cantrell nooooo. I’ll bet she seriously needs a bikini wax and has hairy under now the barbarian knows the horror Al Bundy faces while lazy horny Peg.
Ooo, another marvelous, mighty maiden.
Well, perhaps not a maiden.
I like the horn, it;s a nice touch. Barbarella reference?
I hadn’t thought of the Barbarella character when I designed the second sister’s look, but I wish I had!