TOG2 5

Hey everybody, I now have a tumblr page!
Not only does it contain my Sharona work, but it also features other comics, pin ups, erotica, muscle girls, fetish art and a lot of my other work you may not have seen before!
You can check it out here:
Going to check on your (half-)sister, Anya…? Oh dear, oh dear….
Anya has always been scared of Azra and is afraid that Azra might hurt her if she tries to check on her. So she is sneaking out to get help elsewhere.
After all, Azra isn’t her only family, is she? 😉
What kind of creature is the doctor?
He’s a smurf.
Pause for laughter or groans(groans being more likely).
Seriously though, I hadn’t really worked out what race he is, although I had toyed with the idea that he might be part of a race that is loosely related to the dwarf/gnome/halfling races but taller. I’ll have to give it some more thought when I get the chance.
Maybe he could be a rare sane Derro, from the Pathfinder setting. They’re fond of medical experimentation as a species, so if one of them got off the crazy-fungus and turned legit, the medical profession would be a good fit.
That’s pretty cool, I hadn’t heard of Derros before. I’ll have to put some thought to that.
I must admit I find the Madam’s relationship with her staff puzzling. On the one hand, she appears to be a strict disciplinarian, and she is renting them out to strangers and reaping a profit thereby. On the other, she does seem to care for them to some extent – and Clarice’s clinging to her while afraid and in pain suggests that at least she reciprocates.
In the eyes of the prostitutes at the brothel, the Madam is pretty benevolent(as far as madams go).
She allows the girls to keep a percentage of their earnings(Many madams take it all) and even gives a bigger cut to the better earners. She provides her girls with 3 meals a day(other madams give them fewer poor quality meals) shelter(when the Madam inherited the brothel, she spent a lot of money remodeling it and allows the girls to live in the rooms they work out of. The best earners get the best rooms for themselves while new girls usually share rooms. Even the shared rooms are nicer than the rooms in many brothels.) and safety(Ergo protects them from thieves and criminals and makes sure clients behave themselves). If any of the girls get sick, the Madam calls the doctor for them(other madams often kick out girls that get sick or injured and unable to work). While the Madam does insist on discipline inside the brothel, she isn’t excessively strict and is generally well liked by the prostitutes.
I am not that surprised but I will say this. That King Jhon in his youth, did the impossible. He bang and impregnate every woman in that brothel, he has infinite stamina for sex.
Although King Jhon did bang every woman in the brothel at one time or other he didn’t actually impregnate all of them(he did knock up quite a few of them though). And while he did have a lot of stamina in his youth, he visited the brothel many times, so he didn’t have sex with all the women at one(even he didn’t have that much stamina!) 😀
Clarice at least was saved from being physically harmed by Azra but what about mentally and emotionally. The blue lady tips the doctor well but Anya better stay inside the brothel it’s safer don’t want Azra to catch you. Even she is naked and after the brutal lesson Ergo has given her. Sharona is better off not being a sex object at the brothel just too many naked evil doers.