TOG2 21

I’m participating in the first annual
In this event, Lana’s teaming up with other sexy characters around the internet for a hot summer swap! Check it out!
Likewise Sharona will be swapping vote incentives with other characters from some of the sexiest webcomics around the net!
Lana’s Sexy Summer Swapmeet continues to turn up the heat! This time it’s two for the price of one as Arayanne and Maeye from The Great Isle of Prentil swap places with Sharona!
And visit The Great Isle of Prentil to see a hot new picture of Sharona by Prentil Studios!
… It still kinda sorta sounds like a scam, Gareth.
Ah well, benefit of the doubt?
Actually, in this case it wasn’t a scam, just very bad luck for Gareth.
Well, that’s good. ^_^ I just got this really bad “Nigerian crown prince”-vibe.
^^; Uh. That isn’t racist of me, is it…?
He certainly does give off that “used car salesman” vibe, doesn’t he?
That’s what I said in the comments on the previous page! 😀
I said it because I thought it bears repeating.
(or because I had a total brain fade and forgot what we talked about last week.)
Hmmm, I wonder what the ” terrible trio ” are up to these days….. * waits patiently on next late Sunday night/ early Monday morning like…. *
The triplets will be making their appearance in the second half of this story(about 6-7 pages from now), but we will be seeing one of them very soon in a flashback scene.
When the triplets do appear will will be seeing a lot of them because they play a very big part in this story(no pun intended.)
You got to be kidding me. The Sisters of Misrule stole their half-sister’s birthday gift? Man… that is just some ironic shit. Will they stop if Daemilia accepts them in the family or daddy will celebrate their birthdays with them?
The Sisters of Misrule didn’t know it was Daemilia’s birthday gift when they stole it. Of course, they do know now and that hasn’t made them particularly inclined to give it back either.
Ironically, if Daemilia knew they were her sisters, she would likely forgive them and offer to have a relationship with them. It’s unclear how the Sisters of Misrule would respond to that though…
Azra would probably flip her lid with fury.
The triplets would laugh themselves silly.
Tamarus would probably shrug it off.
In the end, they might pretend to go along with it, but my inner cynic suspects they’d be looking for all the ways they could abuse the **** out of the arrangement.
Actually, that’s a remarkably accurate assessment of the situation!
That Garth he really loves Daemilia to buy a ruby even though they mostly come from Burma and India, Khartush is one blessed land. But I suspect Sharona isn’t going to Khartush but to see Azra looking like a billion dollar baby, not miss guy. Tamarus and her gigolos doing Rico Sauve and tiny wenny meanies. Too bad it’s not Belgium then she could recruit the smurfs to feed the sisters of missrule magic Brussel sprouts dooming them to flatulence. So Sharona can capture the ruby but leaving the poor gigolos to face Tamarus.