TOG2 17

Hey everybody, I now have a tumblr page!
Not only does it contain my Sharona work, but it also features other comics, pin ups, erotica, muscle girls, fetish art and a lot of my other work you may not have seen before!
You can check it out here:
That was naive of you, Sharona.
The royal wedding was probably the big social event of the decade, and Gareth has royal duties now. People know him.
Also, as we learned from the first story, Daemilia likes to see the city, visit markets and generally interact with the people(which is how she met Gareth) and since Gareth frequently accompanies her, the two of them have become familiar faces to many of the commoners, including dancers in seedy dives.
Sharona may need to think fast on this one.
Well, at the very least it looks like people are happy to recognize the guy who looks like he’ll become the next king. No one’s reached for a knife yet or tried to hit him up for five bucks. 😉
Being son in law to the king and being generally well liked by the public at large means Gareth is unlikely to get the business end of a knife.
Getting hit up for money… well that may be a different story.
Identified by a Strip Dancer… awkward.
Yep, that’s pretty high on the old awkward scale.
You know you spend too much time around strippers when…..
They know you by name/ can recognize you by appearance
They celebrate your birthday in the strip club
You’ve become immune to cleavage to ANY degree.
You feel comfortable enough to eat in a strip clup
So, with that knowledge in mind, Gareth’s situation isn’t that bad even when you consider possible consequences that could happen. Although, I’m just speculating here, not speaking from experience or anything. *coughs *
Good to know!
I realize it’s only speculation and all… 😉
Now I’m reminded of this scene from the movie ‘Dragnet’, where Streebek tells his partner Joe, who is in need of coffee, that he knows where they serve the best in town.
He proceeds to take him to a strip joint.
With naked women gyrating all around, poker-faced Joe drinks his cuppa joe, turns to Streebek and says: “You know I hate to admit it, Streebek, but for once in your life you’re right: this is good coffee.”
LOL! I’ve never seen the Dragnet movie. I’ll have to check it out some time.
Growing up as both a barbarian and a bandit has given Sharona a very broad comfort zone. 🙂
Like the table top dancer wearing a loin cloth ballet shoes armlets and clapping castanets. But it’s hardly discreet even the table top dancer knows prince Garth this not one of Sharona’s brightest moves. Then again even with bleach blond hair and tights Garth is not Sojourn. All the hydrogen peroxide in the world won’t change though the fumes will make him ditzy. If he shaves his mustache, some waxing, a diet and then a sex change he too could be Sojourn or at least her side kick in which case he doesn’t need the bleach blond hair. Love the table dancers alburn hair.
No diss to the author/creator but please tell me Gareth’s Robin Hood/ Green Arrow facial hair is just a disguise. I’m sorry it just rubs me the wrong way b/c I don’t think it fits his character.
Actually, Gareth’s facial hair probably is a little out of character, but that’s kind of the idea.
Some time has passed since the first TOG story(The Sisters of Misrule are sporting different hair now too) and Gareth is trying to transition from Gareth the bard to Gareth the prince.
Over the next few pages we will be finding out more about Gareth’s life since the first story and about his facial hair too!
Whoops, so much for that idea.
In the immortal words of Oliver Hardy: “This is going to require a little thought.”
And also in that gentleman’s words: “This is another fine mess you’ve gotten me into, Stanl — er, Sharona.”
Well said! On the plus side, Sharona is a tad more resourceful than Hardy’s friend. 😉
Well, at least the ale’s not watered down 😀
That’s very important to Sharona!
Someone needs to introduce Sharona to black tea. Or coffee, if the region where she roams, rampages and frolics has it already. 😉
Probably good advice, but somehow I suspect it wouldn’t have the “kick” Sharona is looking for. 😉
Spoke too soon, Sharona. Still, props for finding a place with a sexy tavern dancer. Can’t ever have enough of those.
Yep, there is a definite lack of tavern dancers in today’s entertainment!
(Fortunately I’m trying to remedy that! :D)