TOG2 14

Hey everybody, I now have a tumblr page!
Not only does it contain my Sharona work, but it also features other comics, pin ups, erotica, muscle girls, fetish art and a lot of my other work you may not have seen before!
You can check it out here:
Wow azra cleans up well not surprised she’s as much as a masochist as she is a sadist
Yes, Azra has more issues than a magazine rack!
Tamarus, dear, you might want to consider looking for an asylum that’d be willing to take Azra in…
Asylums aren’t that common in Sharona’s era and there are even fewer that would be willing to deal with Azra either!
Fortunately, over the years, Tamarus and the triplets have gotten the hang of keeping Azra under control(more on that later…)
Is it anything like the way the A-Team kept “persuading” BA Baracus to fly?
Fortunately, the Sisters of Misrule don’t have to go THAT far to keep Azra under wraps.
Azra can be a bit of a loose cannon and definitely one sick puppy, but she generally isn’t that out of control and her older sisters can usually manage her behavior without too much difficulty.
We will be getting a better look at Azra’s personality and her relationship with her sisters as the story progresses.
H…uh. I had not thought the triplets might be older than Azra. I suppose I let their looks deceive me. ^^;
I suspect their diminutive size makes them look younger than they are.
Actually, the triplets are the oldest of the Sisters of Misrule(as you may recall, in the previous TOG story one of them mentioned that they are 28). Tamarus is the middle sister(in her mid-20s) and Azra is the youngest(early 20s).
Anya is about a year younger than Azra.
Where did Azra get the royal blue choke, corset, thong panties, garters, gloves stockings and heels or boots love the outfit we almost match mines powder blue. Azra’s outfit would look hotter if she lost the Alice Cooper make up and reduce the thunder thighs still she can always ask if Tamara would share her gigolos Rico anyone. Meanwhile Tarama is a good mood and if Anya returns then the blue lady won’t fire her Garth that Euro gnome await her.
Well, if Azra were to have a good date, it wouldn’t be a good one for the other person 😀
Yeah, that’s kind of the problem. That’s probably why Azra has difficulty finding companionship(even a one night stand) and is forced to resort to prostitutes.
Not that that has turned out so well…
By the way, do the Sisters of Misrule compensate Anya for her services as scout and spy at all?
Actually, that very question will be addressed on the next page(and it’s not as clear cut as you might think).