TOG2 12

Hey everybody, I now have a tumblr page!
Not only does it contain my Sharona work, but it also features other comics, pin ups, erotica, muscle girls, fetish art and a lot of my other work you may not have seen before!
You can check it out here:
I have a suspicion, but will keep it under my hat for now. 😉
Thank you. I suspect you are correct and I appreciate you not giving away any spoilers.
We will find out for sure on the next page!
If it is who you think it is on can only hope Tarama not following or the blue lady will have something worse than disappointed customers like no brothel and her body reduced to being a gigolo Rico anyone.
Does Sharona have some sort of problem with Anya?
Unlike the Madam, Sharona doesn’t believe that Anya is in her room right now.
Sharona knows that Anya is the sister of the Sisters of Misrule and that she acts as her sisters’ eyes and ears in the town. The brothel is a great place to hear gossip(the men that frequent the brothel tend to talk very freely to the prostitutes) and Anya frequently tips her sisters off about treasures passing through the town or warns them of impending danger.
As you may recall, in the first Throne of Games story, Azra taunts Sharona about her working in a brothel. How did Azra know Sharona worked at the brothel? How did the Sisters of Misrule know that Gareth had gotten Sharona to come with him to the tower? Although I didn’t show it, Anya(who knew all about the kidnapping plans) had been eavesdropping on Sharona and Gareth’s conversation and after everyone went to bed, she “borrowed” one of the Madam’s horses and rode out to the Black tower to warn her sisters. Afterwards, Sharona suspected that someone in the brothel had leaked information to the Sisters and figured it was Anya when she noticed the birthmark on her shoulder.
In spite of all this, Sharona actually likes Anya. Anya isn’t really a bad person(she doesn’t have the heart to hurt people like her sisters do), but she feels obligated to help them since they are her family and her sisters have helped and protected her as well. Sharona understands that Anya has a complicated relationship with her sisters(and Sharona has plenty of experience with complicated family relationships, doesn’t she?).
Interesting…! I did not see this coming at all. ^_^
Oh yee gods…The sofa is talking! 0o0
It’s all happening tonight!