New Super Rivals page!
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Page 24 of my new vote incentive comic has just been posted! Vote to see just what kind of trouble Sharona has gotten herself into!
Page 24 of my new vote incentive comic has just been posted! Vote to see just what kind of trouble Sharona has gotten herself into!
©2014-2025 John Harrington Powered by WordPress with ComicPress
The moon is in the background and the craft looks like a cabin cruiser instead of a space shuttle so is Terry at sea. Or is it a space craft that looks like a motorboat new take on 1981 Heavy Metal the orbiting sports car the is parachuted to earth. Meanwhile that Terry is a genius he is able to cover up a disaster, please the latex scorpion, the horny naked princess and give us hot lesbian action the man should be president. I’d work or at least vote for him. Terry Stork president 2024.
Terry Stork’s slogan could be: “Ice cream makes everything better!”