New Super Rivals page!
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Page 22 of my new vote incentive comic has just been posted! Vote to see just what kind of trouble Sharona has gotten herself into!
Page 22 of my new vote incentive comic has just been posted! Vote to see just what kind of trouble Sharona has gotten herself into!
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Industrial man ruined a sexy cat fight but why. Is it so he can have fight naked in a steel cage loser get shaved bald? To have a mature discussion and no gets shaved bald? Is it so he can produce hot lesbian prono? Is it just to cruelly test a sonic noise weapon defeating world armies to be empire of earth?Or is Mr Stork playing with his over price toys instead of his new receptionist meaning who will say “Mr Stork is having a second childhood.” Better yet kush kush mommy’s little man dugga dugga.
Hmmm… We will have to see how this talking thing works out.