Ah office gossip does the six foot tall amazon wear an orange polyester pant suit maybe that’s one of the reasons Mr Puffington won’t fire her. I’d tell the blond stop wear those tacky orange is the new black pant suits and buy her a little black dress or a pencil skirt. Well now that I own the paper polyester pant suits are banned even for six foot amazons. I don’t wear tacky pant suits so no one else should. Unless they want to start there own business selling polyester pant suits. As for Jerry don’t be a super hero it’s dangerous and if I catch you. You’ll be shaved bald, striped naked, get a curly mustache given a sexchange and then wearing only cubic zirconia be in a naked muscle barbie kickline mohahahahaha. Terry “You are ruining the American work ethic.” Catherine “Oh darling it’s been ruined long ago mohahahahahah.”
Ah office gossip does the six foot tall amazon wear an orange polyester pant suit maybe that’s one of the reasons Mr Puffington won’t fire her. I’d tell the blond stop wear those tacky orange is the new black pant suits and buy her a little black dress or a pencil skirt. Well now that I own the paper polyester pant suits are banned even for six foot amazons. I don’t wear tacky pant suits so no one else should. Unless they want to start there own business selling polyester pant suits. As for Jerry don’t be a super hero it’s dangerous and if I catch you. You’ll be shaved bald, striped naked, get a curly mustache given a sexchange and then wearing only cubic zirconia be in a naked muscle barbie kickline mohahahahaha. Terry “You are ruining the American work ethic.” Catherine “Oh darling it’s been ruined long ago mohahahahahah.”
“Naked Muscle Barbie!” I would totally watch that movie! 😀