Who the little discoman hiding bet he was selling polyester leasure suits. Until the naked maid with the too fat ass demolished the discount department store. The sleazy scorpion could take the poor little guys hiding place, find another or suffer another beating at the hands of the naked maid. Assuming I don’t hire her for demolition. While awesome and the sleazy scorpion are forced to see Dan Savage and Piers Morgan. Both are bald, ball gaged, naked, pianted emerald green, branded b-t-h on there butt cheeks with tiny green hat glued to his head doing the jig. With Chelsea Handler bald, ball gaged, naked pianted olive green with a tiny meat stelhelm helmet goose steaping. I even have a bald, naked Micheal Moore in whale tank as the Moby Dick. He is as big as a whale, white and a dick so he eats all the caplin and squid he likes singing I’m whalie the singing whale. I even pulled out his teeth and made scrimshaw out them just the yankee whalers mohahahaha. Terry “Catherine that is genious.” Catherine “Oh I’m glad I had the justice buddies building demolished”. Terry “Nooooo!” Catherine “mohahahhaha.”
Who the little discoman hiding bet he was selling polyester leasure suits. Until the naked maid with the too fat ass demolished the discount department store. The sleazy scorpion could take the poor little guys hiding place, find another or suffer another beating at the hands of the naked maid. Assuming I don’t hire her for demolition. While awesome and the sleazy scorpion are forced to see Dan Savage and Piers Morgan. Both are bald, ball gaged, naked, pianted emerald green, branded b-t-h on there butt cheeks with tiny green hat glued to his head doing the jig. With Chelsea Handler bald, ball gaged, naked pianted olive green with a tiny meat stelhelm helmet goose steaping. I even have a bald, naked Micheal Moore in whale tank as the Moby Dick. He is as big as a whale, white and a dick so he eats all the caplin and squid he likes singing I’m whalie the singing whale. I even pulled out his teeth and made scrimshaw out them just the yankee whalers mohahahaha. Terry “Catherine that is genious.” Catherine “Oh I’m glad I had the justice buddies building demolished”. Terry “Nooooo!” Catherine “mohahahhaha.”
the little discoman may have some explaining to do…