Merry Christmas everybody! I hope you have a happy and blessed holiday season punctuated by eating yourself into a food coma and getting plenty of swag from your loved ones! 😀
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Sharona’s sly smile suggest she returned the hostage to her family and maybe the gem to the wizards or spent it on drinks. Love the guard’s thigh high where did he get them.
Seeing that they are bandits, he probably stole them! 😉
Maybe Sharona and Sanibal are gonna settle this with a drinking contest? 😀
It might be worth a shot. Consuming excessive amounts of alcohol is one of the few things Sanibal and Sharona still have in common!
I wonder how hard Sharona really needed to hit her old friend… 😉
Right now, the initiative is all Sharona’s. That can’t sit well with a control freak like Sanibal!
Actually, Sharona whacked him pretty good. Even with the diversion created by the doppleganger, Sharona didn’t have much time to get Lenora away from the hideout before Sanibal and the rest of the gang got back.
She suspected(correctly) that in spite of their friendship, Bruneaux was more loyal to Sanibal than herself and wouldn’t let Lenora go voluntarily.
Sanibal has always considered herself to be intellectually superior to Sharona(which is generally true), so getting the tables turned on her like this has definitely not put her in a rosy mood.
How she intends to deal with that has yet to be seen…
Well, Sanibal hasn’t stabbed Sharona in the kidneys yet, nor tried to extract her spine. We’ll see…
Alas. Looks like the end of Sharona’s friendship with Bruneaux, then!
Yep, they are definitely off to a good start! 😀
Bruneaux and Sharona were friends when they were bandits, but they haven’t seen each other in 4 years so they weren’t that close at this point anyway…