Boot to the Head! Yeah Yeah!
Everyone likes a boot to the head! (Except for the guy getting kicked probably, but who cares what he thinks, right?)
That 3rd panel is pretty neat. 🙂
And dang, she’s kicking ass. Well, technically, it’s a boot to the head, but I digress.
After that kick, he probably can’t tell which end is which anyway, so you can say whatever you want! 😀
(Thanks for the complement about panel 3. It was a bit of an experiment and it’s always nice when it works out.)
“Get down here!”
Suddenly, I heard Nancy Sinatra sing “These boots”. 😉
Somehow I suspect she wasn’t picturing Sharona’s massive metal boots when she sang the song though. 😀
Indeed, her choice of footwear was far less metallic:
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Boot to the Head! Yeah Yeah!
Everyone likes a boot to the head!
(Except for the guy getting kicked probably, but who cares what he thinks, right?)
That 3rd panel is pretty neat. 🙂
And dang, she’s kicking ass.
Well, technically, it’s a boot to the head, but I digress.
After that kick, he probably can’t tell which end is which anyway, so you can say whatever you want! 😀
(Thanks for the complement about panel 3. It was a bit of an experiment and it’s always nice when it works out.)
“Get down here!”
Suddenly, I heard Nancy Sinatra sing “These boots”. 😉
Somehow I suspect she wasn’t picturing Sharona’s massive metal boots when she sang the song though. 😀
Indeed, her choice of footwear was far less metallic: